The rough version of my explanatory essay navigates the different points of view on the versatile effectiveness of implementing a growth mindset in children. As I read my essay aloud to my peer, she and I noticed many missing words, extra words, and run-ons. She also pointed out some confusing sentences that needed to be more specific. The last and most important detail she pointed out was that I needed to make some of the facts that I quoted more relevant by adding context to them or explaining them further. Being able to read my essay aloud especially helped me noticed punctuation mistakes and grammar mistakes. I went through and changed everything my peer suggested that I edit. Explanatory Essay: Rough draft I was four years old and my little hands were trying to zip up my jean pants. After what seemed like forever to my mom, I finally did it: I zipped up my own pants. I was so proud, and my mom said with excitement, “You did that all by yoursel...